Showing 61 results for sbiff

Ty Selling Miramar to Caruso?

Perhaps, as they say, the third time really will be the charmand the community of Montecito is rooting for those short odds.

Notes on Film

SOUND SCREENINGS: Movie buzzes are in the air, and the highs and lows of the film art abound. Within the city limits, SBIFF has seized our attention and tempted us away from home and workplace, while the general media headspace has us hovering in the suspenseful zone between the Golden Globes and the Oscars. We’re inclined to contemplate recent film kultcha, and for the purposes of this column, its too-often underrated musical component.

Sacha Baron Cohen at the Lobero

Sacha%20Baron%20Cohen%201.jpg Hundreds lined up to see Sacha Baron Cohen (pictured), aka Borat aka Ali G, on Friday at the Lobero. The British comedian behind this year’s mockumentary hit, Cohen is supposedly a tough guy to get to do interviews, but SBIFF managed to get him. And although he threatened to not do the gig if he had his photo taken, our photog managed to snag a shot as he left the building.

Wising Up

Election-spanish-poster.jpgJosef takes in gangster films Election and Triad Election and considers whether they might be the first in a wave of high-quality Hong Kong Cinema. Also included: re-posts of Josef’s previous film festival bloggins.

A Stellar Centerpiece

centerpiece%203.jpg In years past, the Santa Barbara International Film Festival‘s Centerpiece event — which, as the name implies, marks the middle of the festival — has been a relatively mellow affair. A little movie, a little wine, and we’d call it a night. This year, not so much. The SBIFF outdid themselves yet again.

Taking Desperate Measures

desperate%20measures.jpgIt isn’t everyday that you find five teenage boys from California interested in making a documentary on, of all things, African elephants. But that’s what these kids from Santa Barbara did, and the result is making its debut at the fest.

First King of the Festival

Forest Whitaker Talks Acting, Uganda, and Why Idi Amin Wasn’t All Bad

The Last King of Scotland, Forest Whitaker becomes the notorious Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. To deliver the performance of a lifetime-and one that’s likely to land him the Oscar after already netting the Golden Globe-Whitaker spent months researching Amin’s life and legacy, learned to speak Swahili, and mastered the distinct Ugandan accent. And I would know because, last year, I spent nearly a month in Uganda, covering their presidential elections and reporting on the country’s 20-year war against crazed northern rebels. Whitaker comes to the Arlington Theatre on Saturday, February 3 at 8 p.m. to accept SBIFF’s Riviera Award. We spoke a couple weeks ago about his role, Ugandan politics, and Santa Barbara.


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