Open Letter to County Residents Regarding Cannabis
County government’s role is to balance numerous sides of a complex issue, not one side or the other, that ultimately will benefit the county long term.
Showing 37 results for cannabis
County government’s role is to balance numerous sides of a complex issue, not one side or the other, that ultimately will benefit the county long term.
During the last two weeks of August, the cannabis odors got considerably worse in Carpinteria
County citizens and young people are suffering from overly liberal cannabis rules.
The county is more accurately described as “long on greed and short on legally supportable grounds.”
Supervisor Williams’s whiny, self-serving response to Ann Louise Bardach’s keenly observed criticism of his role in our community’s cannabis stink bomb does not convince.
The print title of your article “Getting Cannabis Genie Back in Bottle” is misleading.
The fact remains regarding cannabis greenhouses, “The stench and the odor are still horrible!”
It seems that we are not addressing this issue in a logical conservationist way.
I appreciate updates on the cannabis industry here in Santa Barbara.
Santa Barbara County’s Board of Supervisors sold the county down the river by allowing unlimited marijuana cultivation.