Zoom Event: The Breeding Bird Study of Santa Barbara County

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Date & Time

Wed, Mar 24 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Address (map)


Santa Barbara Audubon Society’s March Program is Ultra-Local!

WHO:           Santa Barbara Audubon Society (SBAS)

WHAT:      The Breeding Bird Study of Santa Barbara County –

                               Five Years On, What Have We Learned?

                     Speakers:  Adrian O’Loghlen and Mark Holmgren

WHEN:          Wednesday, March 24, 2021    7:30pm – 9pm

WHERE:         Zoom – Details on our website www.SantaBarbaraAudubon.org

COST:            Free

INFO:            (805) 964-1468 or programs@santabarbaraaudubon.org

ABOUT:        Gathering data since 2016, Santa Barbara Audubon Society (SBAS) now has nearly 9,500 records with contributions from more than 300 people.  All about where birds breed in our country. This online program will elaborate on what’s been learned.  O’Loghlen and Holmgren are part of SBAS’s Science and Conservation Committee and are the co-pilots of the Breeding Bird Study (BBS).With the help of their colleagues at UCSB’s Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER) and the Goleta Coast Audubon Society they’ll review results, in the scientific, conservation, regulatory, as well as educational aspects for using their new Web Map Application to document the BBS. Residents can learn more about the BBS on the website.

BIOS:  Adrian O’Loghlenreceived his PhD in Behavioral Ecology from UCSB by researching song dialects in Brown-headed Cowbirds. His post-doctoral research from the University of Washington, Seattle, was on the function of song variation in Song Sparrows. Adrian taught numerous classes at UCSB and UW on the evolution of animal behavior and social behavior in particular. Studying and watching birds are his primary pastimes.

 Mark Holmgrenwas curator of the Vertebrate Collections at UCSB’s CCBER from 1984 to 2010. Mark birds, travels, and for Santa Barbara Audubon coordinates Kite Watch. Mark has traveled widely and knows firsthand the whereabouts and migration patterns of many bird species.

Program Zoom information here: https://santabarbaraaudubon.org/category/activities/programs/

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/276415760663047/

If you missed any of the 2020-2021 programs and would like to see them, go to this link: https://santabarbaraaudubon.org/additional-resources/videos/

For more information on becoming a member, to donate, or to learn about our many events, please go to the Santa Barbara Audubon Society’s website at https://santabarbaraaudubon.org/.

Questions about our Programs may be directed to Programs@SantaBarbaraAudubon.orgor you may call (805) 964-1468.

The Santa Barbara Audubon Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.



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