The Alcazar Ensemble is pleased to announce the return of the beloved holiday classic“Miracle on 34th Street” for its fourth consecutive year. This timeless narrative follows Kris Kringle, an elderly gentleman who claims to be Santa Claus and the young girl who believes in him, bringing joy to audiences of all ages during the holiday season.
The story depicts Kris taking over for an intoxicated Santa Claus at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, leading to his role at the flagship store in midtown Manhattan. When he asserts his identity as the real Santa Claus, a court case arises to evaluate his mental health and authenticity, adding depth to this touching tale.
The cast includes sixteen returning members and over thirty actors from Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, ages 7 to 70. Van Riker reprises his role as Kris Kringle, Kestrel Calhoun portrays Susan Walker, and Dreamer Rae Wilson portrays Doris Walker. Debuting on the Alcazar stage are David Freitas as Fred Gayley and Adam Hibberd as Mr. Shellhammer.
Asa Olsson adapted Valentine Davies’s original story, and this year’s production is co-directed by Asa Olsson and Leslie Vitanza AnnRenee.
December 6-8 & 13-15
Fridays & Saturdays 7:00 pm
Sunday Matinees 3:00 pm
Tickets are available online or at the box office before the show; doors open 30 minutes before showtime.