HIVE with Sara Caputo!

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Date & Time

Thu, Jul 18 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Address (map)

351 Paseo Nuevo, FL 2, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Venue (website)


A HIVE incorporates time blocking coupled and upleveled with accountability. If you have used time blocking in the past, you may have gotten to the end of your day and realized that the block of time you allocated to a specific purpose got hijacked by an “emergency email.” In a HIVE, that big block of time is a meeting with me and a few dozen people you don’t know yet. Who misses meetings? Not many of us. Which means you won’t miss that next big time block.

I’m running a monthly HIVE at Workzones. You’re welcome to show up and check it out. There will be another Hive in August 13th. These are brief productivity workshops plus time to work on your own deep thinking project. Come join me and other like-minded hivers and get some deep work done. Bring a project that’s something that you need to block time for so that you don’t keep kicking it down the road.


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