That Old Indian Summer: How long can it last
before winter’s blast? So how about grabbing some beach breeze this

Head for Arroyo Burro County Beach Park
(Hendry’s Beach to old-timers) and hit the sand, heading left or
right. Go right for a sensational sunset view as old sol
sinks into the Channel.

While you’re at it, bring a bag to pick up trash. The beach will
thank you. Afterwards, stop at the Brown Pelican
for coffee and a snack.

Movie Time: It’s a catchy idea: A novelist
creates a character who somehow happens to have a real-life
counterpart who comes under the writer’s control as she writes it.
Stranger Than Fiction keeps you guessing, and
pulling for Will Ferrell to escape his destiny,
but the film bounces around like a novel missing a few pages. Good
try though. Will’s a bit too nerdy, and Emma
’s a bit too freaked-out from writer’s block. At
Paseo Nuevo. … The first war movie filmed in Iraq entirely by
U.S. soldiers, The War Tapes will be screened at UCSB’s
Campbell Hall Monday at 7:30 p.m. Cameras were mounted on gun
turrets, dashboards, helmets, and vests. Family Flick Night at La
Cumbre Plaza stars the wonderful Polar Express Saturday at
6 p.m. Free. Order pizza for a price.

Eating Out: Look, I’m not one to push the meat
of dead cows and pigs on people, but there are times when a hot dog
or a burger hit the spot. My favorite wiener venders are the guys
at the DogHouse, at Milpas and De la Guerra
streets. Every kind of hot dog you can imagine. My favorite is the
Chicago, of course. I’m told by people who should know that the
best burger in town, and probably the most costly, can be wolfed
down at Lucky’s on Coast Village Road. Great place
for people-watching, too, from the bar. No I haven’t tried the
burger, but one of these days …

Poli-Tricks: The election’s over so we’ll see
what political satirist Jon Stewart has to say
about it when he appears at the UCSB Events Center Saturday at 8
p.m. His only West Coast appearance, they say. See Matt Kettmann’s
interview with Jon in this week’s Independent.

Wine Tasting: Where to start? East Beach
, 201 S. Milpas St., has a $10 tasting Friday, 4-7
p.m. On Saturday Lane Tanner and
Core wines are on the table for tasting, noon-5

Music, Music: It’s one of the great names in
music, the Juilliard String Quartet, playing
Mozart at the Lobero Friday at 8 p.m. It’s part of CAMA’s
Masterseries. Thanks, CAMA. (Don’t forget about Woody Allen and New
Orleans Jazz Band
coming to the Lobero Dec. 17.)

Thee-a-tah: Ed Giron and
Meredith McMinn appear in Kate
’s Hannah and Martin, love against a
backdrop of Nazi Germany. At Victoria Hall Theater. Friday and
Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 3 p.m.

Las Floralias: That’s the Flower
Arrangers Club
holding its 35th annual flower arrangement
show at Schott Center, 310 W. Padre St. Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
($5). Proceeds to benefit local school art departments.


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