Adult Ed, Cont’d
I’m not sure where Ms. White gets her information, the basis for her letter in the November 25 edition [“Bond Measuring“]. Rumors are apparently better than facts, and conspiracy theories are even more fun, but they’re simply not true. Let me assure her that there is no intent to “systematically” eliminate cultural classes. Due to the horrendous state budget cuts, we are economizing in all segments of our programs, but no part of our offerings is suffering disproportionately-the cuts are all across the board.
Furthermore, Measure V never was [exclusively for Adult Education classes geared for seniors, as the letter’s wording could be construed to imply].
As to the change from “Adult” to “Continuing” Education, that was to be consistent with state regulations and terminology, and connotes absolutely no change in our programs or our mission.
As soon as we can obtain funding, and make some budgetary adjustments, we hope to be able to restore all of the classes that Ms. White seems to miss, although at least in the short term some will be fee-based, and the class terms will be shorter. – Des O’Neill, SBCC Board of Trustees