Alternative Spring Break
UCSB Students Host National Conference on Global Warming
While most of Isla Vista will resemble a ghost town during UCSB’s spring break next week, a dedicated group of students and environmental organizations will be sticking around for the first Global Warming Alternative Spring Break. Beginning Monday, March 24, the week long conference will include training sessions, workshops, and talks centered on the goal of solving the planet’s climate crisis.
The conference will be held at UCSB’s Bren School of Environmental Science and Management and attended by students from across the country. One might wonder why students would give up their spring break to attend such a conference. UCSB Environmental Studies and Political Science double major, and Campus Progress Student Advisory Board member, Chrissy Elles, said she thinks “the event will really help the students become more effective advocates for sustainability, and send the message that students have the passion and ability to confront the challenge of climate change.” Campus Progress, the event’s main organizer, reiterates Elles’s sentiment on it’s website proclaiming, “Party later, save the world now.”
Campus Progress is an organization that operates mainly at universities and is dedicated to helping students voice their opinions and ideas on a variety of issues. In addition to the Global Warming Spring Alternative Break, they are also organizing a conference in Austin, TX about capital punishment, and another in Philadelphia, PA about the ongoing war in Iraq.
For more information or to register to attend the conference visit: