Mitchum: Not Invisible
Where was Congressmember Lois Capps when she was asked to debate her opponent, Chris Mitchum, for the 24th District?
KEYT TV, KSBY TV, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara Latino Community Business Associations, and the Cal Poly Student Association all arranged a candidate debate, and Capps dodged them all. Perhaps she was busy deceptively deleting Mitchum’s statements concerning the upcoming election.
Where was Lois Capps when President “Open Borders” Obama allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant children to cross our southern border, carrying Third World diseases: enterovirus D68, tuberculosis, chickenpox, measles? We now have 14 suspected cases of enterovirus D68 in S.B. County.
Where was Capps when the governor of California welcomed these same children, “Jerry’s Kids,” with open arms, and Nancy Pelosi washed their feet?
Where was Capps when 62 percent of Americans opposed ObamaCare? Seems she was busy congratulating Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, for her part in implementing ObamaCare.
Where was Lois when Mallory Dies was killed by Ray Morua, Capps’s staff member, with a known history of alcohol problems?
Where was Lois when her staff member Mollie Culver forged official VA forms to get Morua out of jail?
Where will Lois be when Obama has, by executive order, decreed his amnesty plan and the plan to allow noncitizen, Ebola victims entrance to the U.S. for treatment? I hope not in Congress voting 97 percent of the time against us.
Chris Mitchum will not be invisible and will listen to constituent concerns.