Frameworks Benefits
The outpouring of community support keeps on coming for The Frameworks/Caruso-Woods Gallery, which was severely damaged by a fire last month.
Last week, the S.B. Trust for Historic Preservation opened its Casa de la Guerra courtyard to Frameworks owners David Court and Christi Westerhouse and their annual Buddha Abides show, and Haggle owner Fatima Hallstrom threw a very successful live auction for Westerhouse’s soon-to-be-born daughter. Meanwhile, Sullivan Goss is putting up the Buddha Abides show for the rest of its running.
This weekend, on Friday, May 11, Indigo Interiors (1323 State St.) is having another beneÂ-fit, featuring a silent auction of donated works from more than 30 artists.
And then on May 18, prepare for the big fundraising extravaÂ-ganza, when Spencer the Gardener -complete with Manhattan trumpeter Nate Birkey-turn Casa de la Guerra into a full-on benefit bash. Food will be provided by Elements and Milk & Honey, beer from Telegraph Brewing, and wine from Au Bon Climat. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Haggle (5 E. De la Guerra St.).