Weaken Corporate Influence on Campaigns
There are two reasons we need Proposition 15, on the California ballot in June, to pass. No. 1, to get politicians out of the fundraising game and back to solving California’s problems. No. 2, to change the flawed way election campaigns are financed in California, so that politicians can work for all the voters, not just the special interests.
Under Prop 15, candidates who agree to use public funds must prove that they have substantial support by getting signatures and $5 contributions from 7,500 registered voters. Spending limits will be strictly enforced. Prop 15 creates a voluntary pilot program to provide limited public financing for Secretary of State candidates in 2014 and 2018. No more politicians being supported by the lobbyists (thereby making them bought by corporations who have the most money) rather than we the people.
For more information on this proposition please log on to the campaign website. Also we are having two events here in Santa Barbara. The first event is Thursday, May 6, 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara’s Parish Hall, 1535 Santa Barbara St. Secondly, on May 15, we hare having a “15 for 15” fiesta at El Paseo Restaurant, located at 10 El Paseo between State and Anacapa Streets. For a $15 contribution, from 4-6 p.m. there will be appetizers and a no-host Margarita bar. Checks can be brought with you, made out toYes on Proposition 15: Californians for Fair Elections. —Sue Smiley, Goleta