Goleta Green Building Program
Staff and theCity’s consultant from Global Green USA will present information on the steps taken to date to craft a program based on input received from theCity’s advisory group, known as the Green Ribbon Committee, and feedback received at two joint City Council / Planning Commission workshops held in March and June 2012.
“We’ve finalized the Green Building Program approach to focus on voluntaryaspects of the program for most projects. We look forward to presenting theproposed program at this Planning Commission meeting for are commendation to the City Council in October,” said Pat Saley, ActingPlanning and Environmental Services Director.
The agenda and staff report for the meeting will be available on the City’swebsite and the meeting will be broadcast on Channel 19 and available for streaming through the City’s website. For questions, please contact Valerie Kushnerov, Public Information Officer, at (805) 961-7507 or vkushnerov@cityofgoleta.org.