“Reconnect with Your Playful Self
**Events may have been canceled or postponed. Please contact the venue to confirm the event.
Date & Time
Fri, Nov 15 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Address (map)
1964 Las Canoas Rd, Santa Barbara ca
Venue (website)
The Empathy Center
11/15/24, 2-4 pm
“Reconnect with Your Playful Self” through laughter!
Experience outdoor interactive activities that reduce stress, improve mood and strengthen connections. Leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Call 808-366-4389 or allou@claimYourPowerToHeal.com. Free/donations are accepted.
Venue: Empathy Center, 1964 Las Canoas Rd.
Longer version:Join us for a fun and lighthearted event facilitated by Allou Guthmiller, RN. Reconnect with Your Playful Self Through Laughter: Experience the power of laughter through a kind & gentle icebreaker, outdoor activities, and connecting with others. Discover the benefits of humor and laughter on your mental and physical health—reducing stress, improving mood, and fostering social connections. Come along and have a great time building relationships and improving your well-being. Get ready to laugh, bond, and leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.” Free/donations are accepted. November 15, 2-4 pm If possible, be on time. Venue: Empathy Center, 1964 Las Canoas Rd.