Credit: Courtesy

This week, we want to introduce you to our Mickey Flacks Fellow, Christina McDermott. She’s been all over town, covering everything from the 2024 election to housing and business. She’s also gotten into Indy traditions like getting to try a delicious Burrito Week burrito!

How long have you been at the Independent? What drew you to journalism? 

I started at the Independent at the end of August. So far, so good! I came into local journalism through a way of editing audio for podcasts and radio. After finishing graduate school, I started picking up freelance and volunteer work. From there, I realized, “Hey – I can write stories too!” I think local journalism is especially important because it connects a community. 

How long have you been in Santa Barbara for? What brought you here originally? 

My parents moved to Santa Barbara in 2017; I was in college in the Bay Area at the time and got to know Santa Barbara during my school breaks. After graduating, I officially moved to Santa Barbara and have called this area home on-and-off since then. Even after graduate school in the U.K. and a year in Alaska, I keep coming back. There’s so much to learn about here. I especially like the arts scene.

What’s been your favorite story to work on so far? 

I don’t have a favorite yet. I will say that reporting on a burrito for Burrito Week was a new and exciting experience for me. I sat at the table for ages thinking of the best words to describe what I was tasting.

What are some of the other types of media you work with? Is there one you’re hoping to do more of, or something you’d like to try? 

I love storytelling with sound. In Santa Barbara, along with volunteering and freelancing for local radio stations and for podcasts, I also had the chance to freelance as a sound operator. I got to experience sound storytelling in a whole new form in the theater. In 2023, I spent a year living in Dillingham, Alaska, and worked for KDLG Public Radio, covering everything from commercial fishing to weather patterns to Yup’ik language revitalization. I’m really excited to start incorporating audio into my stories for the Independent. There’s something about hearing a story told that feels connective. I’ve always loved that.  

Do you see yourself in journalism long term? Or do you see yourself on another path career wise? 

I’m actually in the process of applying for my PhD in linguistics with a hope to study phonetics. I think, however, that journalism is always going to be important to me, whether I’m supporting journalists or writing stories myself.

What are some of your favorite things to do here in Santa Barbara?

I grew up swimming competitively and adore Los Baños del Mar pool — who can say no to a pool so near the beach?! I’m hoping to brave open water swimming in the area at some point. After living in a place where the ocean freezes, I’m feeling extra lucky that you can head to the beach, don a simple wetsuit, and literally immerse yourself in nature.  

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