All Parties, Cease Fire
The Green Party of Santa Barbara County Council joins with the Green Party U.S. in condemning the attacks on civilians, including children, perpetrated by both Hamas and Israel. Both Hamas and Israel are deliberately targeting civilian populations. This is in violation of the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which forbid targeting civilians and civilian areas such as homes, places of worship, and medical facilities. It also forbids the taking of hostages. The cutting off of water and supplies to Gaza by Israel is a violation of international humanitarian law prohibiting sieges on civilian populations.
We call on all parties to cease fire immediately.
We demand that our national leaders stop pledging unqualified support for Israel and become actively involved in finding just and peaceful solutions to this humanitarian crisis.
“Only a just and lasting peace, based on the right of self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians, can break this cycle and bring peace to the region. This peace must include the right of return for Palestinian refugees, the dismantling of illegal settlements, and the establishment of a just and equitable society where all people have equal rights and opportunities.” —Joseph Naham, National Party Co-Chair, Green Party U.S.