Trucks to Begin Oil Removal from Ellwood Onshore Oil and Gas Processing Facility
Since the California State Lands Commission assumed operation of Platform Holly and the Ellwood Onshore Oil and Gas Processing Facility (EOF) in 2017, the Commission has processed limited amounts of oil and gas from the Platform that is coming up from between casing strings (steel pipes in the wells) in order to manage pressure within the well. This limited stream of oil will continue until the wells on Holly have been completely plugged and abandoned. The oil and gas is treated at the EOF to remove the toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from the gas stream and oil.
Although the amount of oil processed as a result of this routine pressure management is minimal, over the past several years it has accumulated and been stored in tank vessels at the EOF. Those vessels are nearing capacity. Now, the Commission plans to remove the oil from those vessels and has entered into an agreement with the Phillips refinery to take the oil by truck to their facilities in Santa Maria. The Commission anticipates transporting approximately 3,500 barrels of oil in total.
There will be one or two trucks a day removing the oil from the EOF on the short section of Hollister Avenue between the EOF and the 101 Freeway “on ramp” (north). The operation will start on October 5 and should take about two weeks. The Commission thanks you for your support as we decommission the Venoco facilities and appreciates your patience while we work to protect the community and the environment during this process.