Kyriaco Is Dedicated to Community
Seldom do I find a government representative who knows how to balance his obligations and affairs. Success comes as the result of interest, learning, education in the field of practice, hard work, dedication, experience, common sense, facts, passion, and care. “Politics” has no place when it comes to one running a city. When we seek health care professionals and legal representation we believe they are licensed and qualified to do their job. Even a plumber has to have a license. Thus when running for local elected office, one should have a proper set of qualifications.
I find Goleta City Councilmember James Kyriaco is that city representative. James’s interest in the environment and how to lead a county or city goes back many years. His mentors started with Bill Wallace, the 3rd District supervisor, several decades ago. I know that because I was helping the supervisor’s campaign at the same time.
James’s dedication to taking care of the community is sincere and serious. He is a hard worker, he has already been in the trenches and has paid his dues.
My personal experience as I have gotten to know him is very impressive. He is brilliant and quick. His brain works in several directions at the same time. His unusual collective memory can connect the dots in a tangible way. Most of all, he is fair and decent.
I mentioned that he cares about his community. Indeed, he cares for our youth and has passed zoning laws to help children. When it comes to senior care he is next to everything. Because of his own experience helping his grandparents with housing he has become an advocate for quality and accessible senior care housing. At a recent City Council hearing, he set aside politics and fought for seniors to bring about senior housing. He fights for common sense, not politics or positions.
I have been involved with land use issues and protecting the environment for over 45 years. I believe in facts and common sense. It is my strong belief that James’s ideology supersedes the best of bureaucrats. he is a jewel that needs to be appreciated more. He is a capable leader and already has been substantiated. He is the young generation that can connect the past and the future. I know enough that he is well-liked by the people of our community. He truly is a star and has a higher and a great future in front of him.
I am very glad that he is serving our city council.