Strikes Against the Governor
An El Dorado No More
New York governor Andrew Cuomo has resigned. Those familiar with Dante’s Divine Comedy may say he should be confined to the Inferno’s eighth ring, where all disgraced politicans must end. Well, he has fallen and others are teetering. In California, one of the top 10 economies in the world, we find Governor Newsom facing a recall election. He has contributed to the continuing decline of the state, the former El Dorado of the nation, where people are now leaving because living conditions have continued to decline. To make a judgment, let us count the strikes against him.
Strike number one: The business climate for small and medium size businesses has deteriorated causing about 19,000 business to either close or leave the state. High taxes, increasing home prices, and extremely high gasoline prices in a state where most workers travel to work in automobiles on highly congested highways, all contribute to disillusionment with the government. Also, the crime rate continues to increase and even convicted felons can defraud the unemployment system for millions of dollars.
Strike number two: The state has regulated housing development almost out of existence, thereby creating a lack of affordable homes due to the inflated cost of construction; further aggravating living conditions, the state has the largest number of homeless and welfare recipients in the history of this or any other state. Due to these and other conditions, the official population of the state has decreased for the first time in modern history, and consequentially California will lose one representative in the U.S. Congress. Each representative represents at least half a million persons.
Although the official (citizens) population has decreased, the unofficial count increased due to the influx of people who have entered our state illegally and live in the sanctuary cities supported by the governor. To further exacerbate the cost of government, the uncounted residents will immediately get benefits that often exceed those of a retired citizen that has worked his entire life in the state.
Strike number three: Due to lack of leadership and impractical polices that allow the continual influx of thousands of youngsters brought illegally into this state, the public education system has declined; California public school ranking has become one of the worst in the nation. During my school years California’s public system was among the top 10; now it is fast approaching being the worst in the nation. The damage created by these conditions may damage the next generations potential more than Strike 1 and 2.
Strike number four: During the most intense part of the pandemic crisis, when thousands of citizens were succumbing to the disease and millions were suffering the consequences of this terrible plague, Newsom’s government was imploring people to stay home, avoid any gatherings, and wear masks everywhere, while the governor had the audacity to attend a dinner for his principal lobbyist and contributors, who enjoyed the expensive French Laundry restaurant unmasked. He flouted the law, indicating that he was above the rules and common sense. He was emulating the audacity and/or ignorance of Queen Marie Antoinette: When told that the ordinary people in France were starving and did not have any bread, her response was, “If they don’t have bread, let them eat cake.”
Well, I suspect the jury is leaning towards a recall! Our governor achieved his office due to his family connections and appearance and thought that his next move would be into the presidency of the country. He is certainly not another Kennedy; the times are much different.
Having volunteered during the Robert Kennedy presidential campaign, I can attest to the fact that the press and public in those days were much more forgiving of elected officials’ mistakes. The game has changed, today’s atmosphere is completely different for a public official, too many strikes and you are out.
Governor Newsom had plenty of chances to appear in front of the people of California and make his point, instead he selected some politicians from the other end of the country, who probably knows nothing about our state, to deliver his defense.
This is not a conservative or liberal campaign. Our ship is going down. Before we completely sink, we need a new captain. Governor Newsom is certainly not a Kennedy; he has failed his constituents and should be replaced.