Renee Donati
Santa Barbara lost a Mother, Grandmother, and a great friend on Sunday February 28th. Renee was born April 25th 1943 , in a town outside of Paris, France, during WW2. When she was 9 she boarded a big ship and set sail to Ellis Island with some but not all of her siblings. Renee then shortly moved to Chicago, Illinois. As a young teen, Renee started her career, in which most who know her, as a waitress. Renee moved her 3 kids from Chicago to Santa Barbara CA. In 1980. In 1981 is when she was hired at Harry’s Plaza Café. The rest is history. Santa Barbara lost a legend. We love you mom.
Service will be held on Tuesday March 16th 10:00am at St. Raphael Church. Unfortunately not open to all. Only 30 can be present.