Vote Elrawd MacLearn
Why do I support Elrawd MacLearn as Trustee for Santa Barbara Unified School District?
Elrawd comes to us from a large family with 11 children. As the third eldest, he home schooled his younger siblings and watched their academics improve. He participated in student government while in college and earned a Biology BS from UCLA. I met him when he came to work at Santa Barbara County Environmental Health Services.
As a young professional, Elrawd follows the SBUSD meetings, addressing the Board about proposed curricula. During the meetings that I attended, the Board rarely listened to parents and concerned citizens. Instead, the current Board has voted in favor of special interest groups and activist student speakers.
In contrast, Elrawd promotes a return to basics for education, redirecting divisive ethnic studies in favor of strengthening the moral character of the individual. He will restore curricula that advance critical thinking, computation skills, literacy and western civilization, while increasing transparency and parental involvement. Elrawd reviewed the dramatic student success of Franklin School and would like to implement the model of Principal Casie Killgore to other schools in the District.
“The status quo has got to go!” Join me and elect Elrawd for S.B. Unified School Board! To learn more, please visit: Thank you.