Santa Barbara City College Releases Plans for Fall Semester
Most Classes Will Be Offered Online in Response to Ongoing COVID-19 Crisis

On Tuesday afternoon, Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) announced in a press release that a majority of its classes will remain online for the fall 2020 semester, due to the continued threat of COVID-19. “Santa Barbara City College has decided to offer a substantial majority of credit courses online for the Fall 2020 semester,” the release says, adding that a number of classes, particularly those difficult to teach online, will remain face-to-face or take on a hybrid-style of both online and in-person with safety protocols in place.
Services offered by the Luria Library and Cartwright Learning Resources Center will take place online, and the release also states that classes being offered face-to-face or through a combination of in-person and online could transition exclusively online if public health restrictions are reimposed in the event of a resurgence of COVID-19. Face-to-face classes can be found at SBCC’s fall semester begins on August 24.
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