Beware Groupthink
I guess it’s hard to break the cycle of groupthink when the billion-dollar Cannabis Lobby is working 24/7 to tell us that weed will save the world!
In August, the Independent made a folk hero out of cannabis farmer Graham Farrar, baby pix and all. But dare to oppose the cannabis industry publicly or on social media and you will be blasted by unremitting nastiness. Now the Independent piles on.
For those of us who have been struggling not to believe that there is a pro-cannabis bias at the Independent, we were given an in-your-face rebuke to the contrary. Your December 26 photo issue ran a full page on cannabis. The first six photographs depict marijuana growers in all their glory. Das Williams is seen at the podium looking presidential, with his hand earnestly on his heart. Then there is an unflattering photograph of his opponent for 1st District Supervisor, Laura Capps — a singularly attractive and graceful woman — next to esteemed journalist Ann Louise Bardach, who is hidden behind manicured hands. It comes with a snarky caption claiming the latter is “egging on” the former. I’m embarrassed by such a cheap shot at two remarkable women!
People living next to the cannabis growers have a right to complain. The smell is overwhelming and people rightfully worry about their health, odors, crime, and property values. According to many medical professionals, the medicinal benefits of cannabis are absurdly overrated. As for the drug itself, it is many times stronger than it has ever been, with potentially devastating impact for young people.
So feel free to celebrate our county’s insane free-for-all-Pot-policy and the untold cannabis-related negative impacts.