Makes No Sense
Two months ago I was cheering the Poodle’s epiphany as, in the June 27 issue, Nick Welsh spoke glowingly of the most prescient, intelligent and witty commentator on TV. Yes, that would be Tucker Carlson of Fox News.
You did have one hiccup with the “konzentration kinderkamps” reference. That, of course, was fake news, not the least because the “inmates” can walk out any time and head back to their home country. Try telling a holocaust survivor that they had the same opportunity.
Now you’ve ruined it. Your August 15 diatribe about illegal immigrants deserving special treatment, including free medical care, reminded me, not only of almost every Democratic presidential candidate but of a fearful citizen who caters to the neighborhood bully hoping to avoid being vandalized.
Let’s sum up the terrible logic like this: “American citizens are expected to follow U.S. law, but if you break into our country illegally, not only will we forgive you, but we will reward you with free medical care, housing and education.”
It’s disturbing to realize that many on the left think this makes perfect sense. It doesn’t.