Kind Hands
Words can’t say how thankful I am for Habitat for Humanity’s “A Brush of Kindness” program. Sunday morning, all the wonderful volunteers appeared en masse and went to work in all directions, doing acts of kindness in a very happy, caring way.
Some hand-washed my mobile home till it sparkled. Some tore off the old, ratty, dangerous carpeting on the carport steps. Some braced the hand railing. Others painted steps, hand railing, and trim. Other people moved plants and swept up. One, my daughter Dana, attacked the bougainvillea that was taking over the roof. It was like an organized whirling dervish of people happily doing.
I provided snacks and a lunch of chili, caesar salad, herbed bread, and cake. Away these volunteers went back to doing and then exited.
I was in awe by how much was accomplished by these many hands. The worn holes in my driveway will be tackled by another special crew on Thursday.
What words can thank these kind volunteers? People can call Habitat for Humanity at 692-2226 and volunteer. When you are looking for a charity to make a donation, consider Habitat for Humanity at 6860 Cortona Drive, Goleta 93117.
I’m an 81-year-old who was exposed to toxic chemicals in the 1990s and am not able to work. I have received a very special gift.