Sansum Diabetes Research Institute Presents “Find Your Way Out Of The Financial Jungle” Free Investment & Financial Planning Seminar
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute cordially invites members of the Santa Barbara community to learn more by attending a free investment and financial planning seminar on April 30th from 4:00 – 5:30 PM. The Institute is located at 2219 Bath Street. Space is limited to 50 people. To RSVP, please contact Jeannine Glockler, Fund Development Officer, (805) 682-7638, ext. 248,
The seminar speakers are: Barry P. Levine, CFP, CLU, Vice President & Financial Consultant with Northern Trust, Richard Barnett, CFA, CIMA, Chief Investment Officer for Northern Trust’s the Western Region & a member of Northern Trust’s Global Investment Policy Committee, and Douglas R. McRae, Director of Philanthropy, Sansum Diabetes Research Institute. Topics include what’s behind the recent stock market performance, how long will it last, what’s the outlook for an economic recovery and how to secure a stable, high interest rate of return with other benefits. Refreshments will be served.
About Sansum Diabetes Research Institute
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute is an internationally recognized research center devoted to the prevention, treatment and cure of diabetes. Dr. William D. Sansum, who brought renown to Santa Barbara in 1922 as the first physician in the U.S. to produce and administer life-saving insulin to patients with diabetes, founded the nonprofit organization in 1944. Today, Sansum Diabetes Research Institute remains an extraordinary place, where diabetes research, nutrition, education, and diabetes prevention have improved the lives of people worldwide who suffer from this serious disease.
The Institute has gained global acclaim for its work to develop an artificial pancreas, its success in developing protocols to increase the incidence of healthy babies born to women with diabetes, and its work with people with and at risk for type 2 diabetes. Physicians and researchers continue to develop new treatment protocols for people with diabetes, including new drugs and medical devices.
It is our intention to use our past and present accomplishments to guide us into the future – to tap into the energy and commitment that made Sansum Diabetes Research Institute what it is today – a worldwide leader in diabetes research, prevention, and treatment. For more information on Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, contact Sarah Ettman-Sterner at (805) 682-7638 or and visit