Public Library Schedules for December and January
Closure Dates Come From Furloughs and Holidays
There will be significant changes in some Santa Barbara Public Library System hours during December and early January. The Central and Eastside libraries will be closed from December 20, 2010 through January 3, 2011 due to a combination of holidays (Christmas & New Years Day) and furlough, or unpaid employee leave. These libraries will resume regular hours on Tuesday, January 4.
The Goleta, Carpinteria, Montecito, and Solvang branch libraries will be closed December 24, 25, and 31 and January 1.
Because the Central and Eastside libraries are closed between December 20 and January 3 requested items will not be available for pick-up from these branches during this period. However, requested items will still be held at these branches until January 13, 2011 or a later date.
The Library’s catalog, downloadable eBooks and audiobooks, databases and other online services, including renewals and hold requests, will remain accessible at all times. Materials may be returned in the street-side Library book drops, and will be collected daily. Loan periods for each library will be adjusted so that due dates will not fall on days that library is closed.
For a complete list of Santa Barbara Public Library System branch locations, hours, holidays, and changes in regular schedules, visit online.