Here We Go Again!
Every time the California state legislature decides it needs more money to spend, we get the usual moist-eyes stories. Whether the politicos hit we voters, casinos, liquor, cigarettes or whatever, they absolutely guarantee us that the money will go to education, old folks, health care, etc.
The huge, ever-growing, overwhelming burden of public employee salaries, pensions, and benefits is somehow never mentioned.
Now here we go again with Prop 30. Our ever truthful elected reps tell us once again how all the money will go to education in California. Let’s see now, how many times have we voters heard that story in the last few decades?
Anyone foolish enough to think that a major part of this tax, or even any part of it, will go to improving state education, should quickly form their own Optimists Club. What a wonderful world of fantasy they may then begin to live in.
Please let me make a very obvious suggestion. Let all of us voters go out on Election Day and register a resounding no vote on Prop. 30 and all other tax increase attempts! Then maybe, just maybe, our Sacramento Spenders will be forced to take long overdue steps to cut our state’s unsustainable spending burden! These savings they can then truthfully apply to all forms of state-supported education.
I know, I know, that’s a very radical thought. But maybe if they try it, we’ll like it!