Resolving Cannabis Odor Issues in Carpinteria
A new Community Odor Observation Portal is operational at
Showing 11 results for cannabis
A new Community Odor Observation Portal is operational at
They say the three rules of real estate are: location, location, location. Putting a cannabis dispensary on Santa Claus Lane would violate all three of them and create a public nuisance that will never be abated.
The Coastal Commission certified amendments to the county Coastal Zoning ordinance in 2018, including a recommendation that cannabis retail be a principally permitted use in the coastal zone.
It is inappropriate to allow a cannabis store to be located right between two long standing (each greater than 20 years) surf camps for kids; this is in direct conflict with the intent of the cannabis ordinance.
A nonseasonal shop will benefit all shops and owners.
A cannabis outlet south of Santa Barbara is an arbitrary choice being forced on a beachfront area.
You would think that a business, open seven days a week, 12 hours a day, 12 months of the year, with 22 off-street parking places behind the store for customers would be welcomed as a much-needed economic shot in the arm.
Dean and Ehrlichman came up with the idea to drastically reduce the number of Black and young people being able to vote in Nixon’s upcoming presidential election: American citizens convicted of a felony lose their right to vote.
A farm proposed along scenic Highway 1 is appealed by neighbors.
How the county converts trash into recyclables and compost.