What fun to see the article about the 40th Anniversary of the Santa Barbara film festival! I have a long ago connection to its very beginning.

At a John Denver concert at the Santa Barbara Bowl in May 1984, there, with some fellow attendees, was a conversation about what was being planned, a local film festival! I ended up being given to job of creating it’s first poster. Sorry to say it was before taking a picture of anything created, so I have no clear record. I understand the original poster has never been found, but I noticed that the posters in the early, following years, very closely followed my initial design.

My husband (a theater and film actor “on the side”) had as a customer at his bank, the man who was creating the opening film for this new festival, so we were very interested in what was happening. If memory serves me right, the film was down to being edited just before it was shown, what an exciting start to what’s become, a “full fledged” International Film Festival.

Over the years, I’ve volunteered in various festival jobs, and observed all its changes and incredible growth. In 2013, I was one of those honored as an Outstanding Volunteer.

Forty years … Wow! Is all I can say as to how it has grown, from a few peoples’ dreams.

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