Cherished Annual ‘Live Nativity’ Is Back For Another Santa Barbara Holiday Season
Holiday Tradition Features Nativity Scenes and Complimentary Delicacies
by Madeline Slogoff | December 5, 2024

Read all the stories for ‘Tis the Season 2024 here.
How do you feel about having live camels as a part of a nativity scene?” Rev. Lloyd Saatjian, previous senior minister of the First United Methodist Church, asked one of the church trustees about this unusual addition in 1990.
Luckily, they approved it.
“Good! Because I’ve already ordered the camels,” Saatjian responded with relief. Live camels have been a unique component of the Living Nativity ever since. But it was not until 2023 that “local” camels were detected and utilized from Oliver Livestock in Santa Maria, and now the camels can go home each night to their own stable.
The scene displays much more than camels — it also depicts the Holy Family with Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus in a rustic stable, and angels, shepherds, and the Three Wise Men nearby. Mothers are often enlisted to hold their own infants to portray Mary with the Baby Jesus. The participants in the scene change every half-hour in a colorful procession.
Over the years, the congregation has loaned crèches — nativity scene figurines — as decorations within the display along the communion rail in the sanctuary. Many of these crèches were gifted to the congregation and are used year after year. Each year, these figurines are carefully unpacked, assembled to be displayed, and, when the event is finished, meticulously repacked for the next year, requiring several hours of volunteer time.
The story that these crèches and participants depict is Mary on the verge of giving birth in a humble stable, along with her husband, Joseph, because there was no room at the inn they planned on staying in. Farm animals are included in the scene, as they would have been roaming around the stable during this scene. The scene includes sheep, goats, and a donkey, as well as a special appearance from the camels who were ridden by the Wise Men, a trio of royalty who traveled a vast distance to witness the birth of the newborn who they heard would be crowned a king. In the First United Methodist Church’s Living Nativity, children are invited to dress as angels or shepherds and are given the opportunity to “shepherd” the small farm animals.
“This annual gift to our community provides a peaceful respite from the ‘busyness’ of the holiday season and invites visitors to reflect on the ‘why,’ ” said Senior Pastor Robb Fuesler. The First United Methodist Church has organized this cheerful holiday tradition annually for 25 years and continues to attract hundreds of individuals to celebrate this celebratory practice.
The event will be held at the First United Methodist Church (305 E. Anapamu St.) on December 20 and 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Along with the nativity scene, the congregation offers complimentary hot cider and cookies. The event is free to the public as a way to offer a sanctuary for those who are tourists spending the holidays in Santa Barbara or to locals who enjoy this cherished annual tradition. No reservations are required, and there is free on-site parking. For more information, visit
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