City of Santa Barbara Bursts Bubble Guy’s Bubble
Parks and Rec Officials Say Derrick Dunten Must Apply for Permits to Continue Free Shows at Shoreline Park
Santa Barbara’s Bubble Guy, who has showcased his extraordinary bubble-making skills at Shoreline Park for the better part of the last decade, has been given the heave-ho by city Parks and Recreation officials. Now, Derrick Dunten, better known as S.B. Bubble Guy, must apply for permits to continue his Shoreline shows or take them off city property.
“We call Shoreline our office,” said Dunten, who has performed free community bubble shows alongside his father for six years. “Other places aren’t the same.”
In November, Dunten received word from the city’s Creeks Division that they were concerned about the environmental impacts of his homemade bubble solution. Someone had complained that it was killing bugs. After getting the secret bubble recipe, the Creeks Division found nothing concerning.
“We did not make any request for his events to stop,” said Erin Markey, the Creeks Division manager.
Regardless, Dunten was alerted by Parks and Recreation officials later that day that he could no longer perform events at Shoreline, a city-owned park, without a permit.
“Community members, including the Bubble Guy, are welcome to enjoy bubble-making or practice their craft in City parks without needing a permit,” explained Jazmin LeBlanc, assistant director of city Parks and Recreation. “However, promoting an event open to the public — inviting any and all community members to attend a show — does require a permit.”
“The main issue was resident complaints,” Dunten said. “They made it seem like the residents across the way felt like the park was disturbing them.”
“We did receive complaints from several community members about the events,” said LeBlanc. “Once we become aware of an issue in a park, we have a duty to address it.”
After taking to Instagram to inform his followers of the news, the Bubble Guy received an outpouring of support from pro-bubble community members. “People were offering everything from legal advice to help with permit costs,” Dunten said.
The social media response inspired the boardmembers of privately owned Elings Park to reach out to Dunten. “Elings offered and was more than happy to host me,” Dunten recalled.
The day after Thanksgiving, the Bubble Guy held his first community show at Elings Park after being ushered out of Shoreline to a crowd of more than 100 people. “It was incredible,” Dunten said.
The Bubble Guy said he will continue to provide free community shows throughout Santa Barbara at non-city-owned parks.
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