Standing staff (from left to right) Xavier Pereyra, Callie Fausey, Bryce Eller, Christina McDermott, Leslie Dinaberg, Nick Welsh, Marianne Partridge, Brandi Rivera, Terry Ortega, and Jean Yamamura. Kneeling staff (from left to right) Sarah Sinclair, Bianca Castro, Ryan P. Cruz, and Richelle Boyd.
Standing staff (from left to right) Leslie Dinaberg, Erin Lynch, Bianca Castro, Richelle Boyd, Terry Ortega, Brandi Rivera, Callie Fausey, Marianne Partridge. Kneeling staff (from left to right) Christina McDermott, Xavier Pereyra, Ryan P. Cruz, and Sarah Sinclair.
For the first time since COVID put us in an office lull, the Indy staff got together to parade our Halloween looks through the building. With a mix of our editorial staff and our business staff together again for Halloween, we stopped our regularly scheduled meeting to join in the fun and bring back our parade that has been out of commission since 2018!
We had special appearances from the Dodgers, Kermit the Frog, Mother Nature, Wilma, the Queen of Hearts, Maxine from X, Waldo, ranchers, a priest, a flapper, and city inspectors to boot. We even took our Halloween fun to Instagram and TikTok, and you can see ghoulish good times by finding us at @sbindependent on both platforms.
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