History Repeats
For those who are not as familiar with Nazi history, I’d suggest reading about what it was like back in Germany and Europe in the late ’30s and early ’40s.
Sadly when a country becomes complacent and gullible, history will tend to repeat itself. What America is witnessing is a repeat of what Adolf Hitler was able to accomplish in Germany decades ago.
Without the ability to have checks and balances, America will soon begin the transformation from a Democratic Republic to an authoritarian dictatorship.
America is about to begin it’s new existence with a House majority, Senate majority, Supreme Court majority, and a President in the White House all belonging to the most powerful far-right GOP this country has ever seen.
Moving forward without any real means of checks and balances, Trump and his manipulated followers will have a free radical rein to make decisions on literally anything and everything they want changed, abolished, or enforced.
The floodgates are about to be opened. To what I fear I’m not sure. A new country is about to unfold and transform into possibly something I only read about in history books.
Millions of Americans are cheering and flinging red MAGA hats in the air last night and for days and weeks and months to follow. Parades of big “In Trump we trust” trucks and boats will be en masse all across the country.
Kindness, decency, compassion, and conservation, amongst so many other considerate qualities, are about to be replaced with orders, commands, and changes to existing guardrails this country has taken for granted for decades in order for democracy to thrive.
So many equal rights and opportunities are about to vanish only to be replaced with what our new leader insists is best for us. Climate change? Pandemic prevention? Rules of Law? All hoaxes to begin with, will be abolished. Foreign policy? Our foreign policy will end at our borders and shores. The rest of the world is on their own.
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the insurrectionists get freed and made into heroes. All Hail MAGA!!, all Hail Trump!!, the greatest American hero ever and surely now “The chosen one.” Mount Rushmore prepare for your next bust.
Overreaction? Panic attack? Doomsday rhetoric? Or reality of a country in crisis. Are we now seeing democracy’s demise?
I don’t think we as Americans fully grasp what it is we just voted to acquire at the expense of what we just lost.