Why I’m Not Voting Republican
It’s a shame that “less educated” in this country is now associated more with “can’t think for themselves and too lazy to look any facts up because they simply won’t believe them even if they did.”
Everyone else on the planet is lying except Trump.
What a pitiful state of reality for our country. Can’t even have a legitimate policy or philosophy discussion anymore because it’s their alternate reality or it’s all lies. It’s their hate- and racism-filled beliefs, or everyone else is wrong. That is not a country that has a willing society to find common ground. And, that latter point is why Republicans in Congress can’t get anything done.
There’s no common ground to find on laws when you don’t want to find common ground. They stopped being able to govern a couple of decades ago because it was their way or no way, their objectives or nothing, their money spending sprees or Continuing Resolutions but no budgets. No desire to create budgets to hold them accountable to national spending just so that they came blame it all on Democrats to win an issue or an election.
It has become the most irresponsible political party over the last 25 years in our history. And I haven’t even touched on the cultish MAGA wing of their party.
I grew up conservative but quickly changed once I fully understood what the word “bigot” meant.