Why I Am Not Voting for Donald Trump

Thu Oct 31, 2024 | 04:11pm

Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Donald J. Trump had all died. After being turned away at the gates of heaven, each was granted a meeting with God to appeal his case.

Vladimir Putin said, “I was the all-powerful leader of the great country of Russia and was admired and loved by all my people. Eternal bliss should be mine.”

Kim Jong-un said, “I was the supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and was revered by all my people. Eternal bliss should be mine.”

Donald J. Trump (after failing to push himself to the front of the line) bellowed, “From day one, I tried to make America white again. Others were poisoning the blood of my country. “Brown or Black, send them back!” was my rallying cry. It was left up to me, a stable genius, to keep those savages in their place. As history’s greatest patriot,I tried to end a failed democracy in the U.S. and always put dictator Putin’s Russia first and America last. I was the best and the brightest. Many people said so. You worked six days, took a day off, and left a huge mess. I, alone, could have fixed it. You are low IQ and a total loser, so get off my throne!”

God smiled, but she was not amused. Trump learned that you can’t bully, buy, or weasel your way into heaven. Trump’s unrepentant, wretched soul had no immunity on Judgment Day and his appeal was denied.

When the time comes, six current members of the U.S. Supreme Court will suffer the same eternal fate. May they Rest in Hell.

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