New Traffic Pattern at Storke Road by Hollister Avenue

Fri Oct 18, 2024 | 04:43pm

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New striping pattern on Storke Road | Credit: Courtesy

GOLETA, CA, October 18, 2024 – There is a new traffic pattern on Storke Road by Hollister Avenue in western Goleta incorporating Vision Zero principles to prioritize safety while improving traffic flow. Storke Road between Hollister Avenue and the US 101 freeway has been newly repaved as part of the City’s Pavement Rehabilitation Project. This gave the City the opportunity to restripe the area.

The new striping configuration creates a dedicated right-turn lane northbound on Storke Road to Hollister Avenue. Click here to view the new striping map. Having two through lanes and a dedicated right turn lane configuration will:

  • Maintain traffic flow.
  • Reduce conflicts associated with lane change maneuvers around blocked third northbound lane.
  • Give buses the necessary space to stop and pick up riders.
  • Prioritize cyclists and transit with dedicated lanes.

Several years ago, a northbound through lane was added to accommodate anticipated traffic growth from nearby developments. However, the expected benefits were only partially realized due to lower-than-anticipated traffic volumes and the impact of bus stops and pedestrian crossings on traffic flow. This updated traffic pattern aims to address these challenges, enhancing safety and efficiency for all road users. 

The striping changes occurred earlier this week on October 15 during the overnight hours in order to minimize impacts to the public. This striping matches the planned layout for the Storke Road All Road Users Improvement Project, tentatively scheduled for construction next year. Further details about the project can be found here.

Vision Zero is a system-wide approach to traffic safety, gaining momentum in American cities, that focuses on reducing the number of traffic related fatalities and severe injuries to zero. Since adopting a resolution in support of Vision Zero strategies in Goleta earlier this year, the Council has also approved an ordinance that will lower speed limits on roadways in Goleta based on new State law.

Learn more about the City’s Pavement Management Program on our website at

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