Measure P to upgrade SBCC’s facilities is on the ballot. It appears among many other propositions, but I hope that voters realize its significance. As a longtime resident, I believe that Measure P must pass.

For background, District voters approved Measure V in 2008, which authorized $77,242,012 in bonds, while the 2014 bond Measure, which attempted to address the same facilities issues, was a very close vote but nevertheless was defeated. Now, here we are 10 years later with an array of additional needs to replace outdated facilities.

My professional practice as an educational consultant has taken me to college campuses throughout California, and I’ve seen how SBCC facilities compare with other campuses where bond measures, complemented by access to state matching funds have enhanced the campus resources. As one example, in all my travels to other community colleges I never saw portables used as classrooms.

Some classrooms are over 60 years old, especially troubling for the science, engineering, and technology disciplines. Labs and classrooms for students studying health-care fields and taking vocational coursework are outdated. Leaky roofs and decaying infrastructure must be repaired, and aging buildings replaced to meet current safety codes. Everyone wants to help motivated students prepare for a competitive high-tech- global workplace, assume their role as educated citizens, and become taxpayers themselves.

Measure P will support the SBCC Board’s Strategic Facilities Goal, which seeks to “Evaluate facility use and needs, and plan for campus facilities that are appropriately sized, modern, well maintained, safe, sustainable, and flexible for current and future needs.” Anyone with common sense will see that Measure P is taking critical steps to solve decades old problems.

We need not worry about the impact on property taxes because the measure would simply extend the current bond tax rate previously approved by voters of $8.50 per $100,000 of assessed (not market) value. Measure P does not increase our tax rates.

Make no mistake, this investment of funds will benefit the diverse populations in our community who take advantage of SBCC’s programs, regardless of age, wealth or status. SBCC is the jewel in the crown of our community, which is why we must vote yes to pass Measure P.

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