As president of the Board of Trustees at Santa Barbara City College, I urge our community to support Measure P. Supporting Measure P means supporting SBCC’s ability to deliver affordable high-quality education and career training in safe environments.

Our goal is simple: making our facilities safer for our students. This includes critical repair needs like leaky roofs, access for disabled students, and modernizing labs and classrooms built in the 1960s. Measure P strengthens community resilience in an emergency, through installing local power micro-grids and making earthquake safety repairs to our facility that serves as a local evacuation center.

Measure P will secure the future of SBCC without adding any new tax rates. It simply extends rates already overwhelmingly approved by voters.

Fifty percent of all local high school graduates attend SBCC — and thanks to local private donors and the SBCC Foundation — they are eligible to attend for two full years for free. They deserve safe and modernized classrooms to learn in.

This investment directly benefits local employers who rely on these SBCC graduates to fill crucial roles in our economy. Passing Measure P will also unlock millions in state investments, which require a local matching source to secure.

Measure P preserves SBCC’s legacy and ensures that SBCC continues to serve the entire community. 

Let’s be clear: Measure P is about the future. It’s an investment that keeps tax rates the same while ensuring SBCC remains a top tier institution for future generations.

Join me in voting yes on P this November.

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