Having lived and grown up in Santa Barbara over the last 70 plus years, my wife and I came to appreciate how important SBCC is to the health and welfare of our community. We attended local public schools and took advantage of SBCC upon graduating from high school. She was in one of the first graduating classes in the radiologic technician program in 1972 and practiced at all the local hospitals and for many doctors. I transferred in 1972 to Cal Berkeley and eventually got my MBA. SBCC launched our careers and allowed us to stay in Santa Barbara.

SBCC’s buildings and facilities are the same ones we experienced over 50 years ago. They are in desperate need of maintenance, repair and, in some cases, replacement for safety reasons. The extension of Measure P will provide critical funding for SBCC to continue to be the educational beacon for thousands of local students trying to get a start in life with an affordable education, without increasing tax rates beyond what we approved in 2008.

My goals in retirement are to give back to the community that lifted my family in life. So, I volunteer with and support the United Boys & Girls Clubs and The SBCC Foundation to ensure that our community’s kids and students have the best chance to succeed. These institutions deserve our support to keep the vitality in this special community. Supporting Measure P is an investment in the future prosperity of the south coast.

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