Please Vote No on P

Mon Oct 07, 2024 | 05:38pm

So many of us want to support and encourage the mission of SBCC.

We wish it to be a thriving opportunity for locals, which includes academic students, vocational training folks, and the retired community taking classes that expand their skills.

Unfortunately the college administration and faculty seem enthralled with the idea that SBCC should be a “world class” institution attracting student tourists from not just all of California but all of the U.S. and from international places as well. To do this they propose, repeatedly, that locals put up the money to do so. Worse, these visiting enrollees are to be attracted to participate in athletic competition. Using Measure V money they built a stadium press box while apparently failing to address the specter of asbestos and earthquake vulnerability offered as the reason to enact V.

They now raise the same issues and have the same back plan. Promise to remediate asbestos problems and make classrooms safe while actually seeking grants from the state of millions of dollars to built an elaborate physical activities venue. This state money must be matched with local money and that is to come from Measure P.

Attracting out-of-district students to participate in athletic team efforts is not something we should pay for with local money. On top of which such enrollees significantly aggravate a tight rental market that harms local workers and their families.

Please vote no on P to keep our community college local.

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