Say Our Name

Tue Oct 01, 2024 | 04:13pm

For many years, the intentional devaluation of the name of the Democratic Party has persisted but has been largely ignored. This purposeful manipulation of language must now be challenged, due to facts, events, and realizations that have emerged over the past few years.

Throughout the past decade, FOX News, Donald Trump, and MAGA extremists, (not traditional conservative Republicans, our neighbors who still respect and value democracy), have consistently and with malicious intent tried to redefine the name of the Democratic Party, by omitting the last syllable of the word “Democratic,” in their duplicitous need to avoid using that word.

Donald Trump’s failed attempt to carry out an insurrection, following his loss of the presidency in November 2020, demonstrates his willingness to abandon democratic rule and process for his own purposes. More recently, investigative journalism has revealed that Trump and his radical revisionists, as detailed in “Project 2025,” do not intend for America to continue to exist as we have for almost 250 years under democratic rule. This manifesto for radical change has avoided public explanation. Voters hear no argument on the merits of “Project 2025” from the Heritage Foundation, which authored “Project 2025” with the help of many of Trump’s loyalists, or from Donald Trump himself who, as reported by reputable sources, does have knowledge of its content. From Trump, whose words are seldom aligned with truth and are at best intentionally ambiguous, we hear only false denial of any knowledge of the playbook.

With these realizations, it can only be concluded that the extremists mentioned above do not want people to hear the full word “Democratic.” The intent of their rhetorical malpractice is now fully understood. The word “Democratic” conflicts with plans that they have for Americans. The omission of the last two letters converts the descriptor in the name of the Democratic Party to an imprecise and ineffectual noun. Their habit of mischaracterizing the opposition party as a scorned enemy then fulfills their intent; a pejorative malapropism that avoids the use of the very explicit and essential word “Democratic” when referring to their opposition party.

For those who desire leadership that is responsive to people’s needs, representative rule has been the preeminent ideal for governance of people for thousands of years. The word “democratic” came into common usage some 3,000 years ago in Greece, ushering in post monarchical governance under representative rule throughout western civilization. Here in America, the word “democratic” is foundational, having defined our republic since we fought for and won independence from monarchical rule. The Democratic Party is committed to seeing that this essential quality of American life is irrevocable, and that it will continue to enable us as we become a more perfect democracy.

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