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SACRAMENTO, CA – On Saturday, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 2407, a bill that requires the California State Auditor to conduct scheduled audits of the three main public higher education systems’ compliance with Title IX, state law and system-wide sexual harassment policies. The measure fosters transparency, accountability, and safer learning environments within California’s colleges and universities.

“Reports of widespread mismanagement of sexual harassment cases at our State’s colleges prompted me to author legislation that ensures public colleges comply with Title IX, state laws, and policies to prevent and address sexual harassment,” said Assemblymember Gregg Hart. “It is our duty to protect the well-being of students and staff who are working, living and learning at our public colleges.”

Assembly Bill 2407 is a part of the “A Call to Action” bill package, one of twelve legislative measures introduced this year by members of the California State Assembly and Senate. The bill package is in response to an Assembly Higher Education Committee report on ways the State’s higher education systems can improve their handling of sexual discrimination cases. Assemblymember Hart’s bill will require the State Auditor to conduct audits of discrimination policies at the CSU and UC systems every three years until 2036, and at least three community college districts every five years until 2044. The bill received bipartisan support through the Legislature and is widely supported by students and staff.

“I’m proud to have supported AB 2407 and thank Assemblymember Hart for his leadership. With Governor Newsom’s signature, we are taking a vital step toward addressing and preventing sexual harassment on our campuses,” said Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis. “As a board member of all three public higher education boards, I look forward to continuing the work to ensure our campuses are safe and responsible to our students and staff.”

Paula Lopez Ochoa, President of the Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee states, “The Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee applauds the passage of AB 2407. This bill will provide critically necessary oversight of how our public higher education institutions are combating sexual harassment on their campuses. We commend Assemblymember Gregg Hart’s efforts to address this important issue.”

In addition to the legislation, Assemblymember Hart, in his capacity as the Chair of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, led an oversight hearing with the Assembly Higher Education Committee and the Senate Education Committee on the CSU’s 2022 audit report. The hearing addressed the CSU’s inadequate response to allegations of sexual harassment and its efforts to implement the audit’s recommendations to safeguard students and staff. Representatives from the CSU expressed support for Hart’s AB 2407.

California is home to 116 community colleges, 23 CSU campuses, and 10 UC campuses.  Hart proudly represents Santa Barbara City College, Allan Hancock College, and UC Santa Barbara in the Assembly.

Gregg Hart represents the California Assembly’s 37th Assembly District, which includes Santa Barbara, Goleta, Carpinteria, Buellton, Solvang, Lompoc, Guadalupe, Santa Maria, Orcutt, and Nipomo. He currently serves as Chair of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee

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