One big reason i started spending a week each month in Santa Barbara was the Saturday morning Farmers Market, its vibe and atmosphere like nothing else. To think it’s moved to make way for something more vital to the community is madness.

I’ve been to many FM around the country, and the market staff, the farmers, shoppers, tourists, buskers, all who I talked to about the moving of this markets location, thought it’s a bad idea.

A newer, more bigger, more better police station may be needed. Taking away such a vital community place where people gathered to connect with other people in a very magical setting under the jacaranda trees to shop for their food grown by local farmers and specifically to foster care for their local communities that a message of community over corporate greed — to make way for the need of a more policed community is not what’s really needed here.

God bless us all as we think of the line “they paved paradise to put up a parking lot” changed to “you canceled Paradise to build a larger police station” is not serving the community.

Surely we can fill the jail cells now as a little less paradise can go a long way.

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