An Enthusiastic Yes for Measure P

Mon Sep 30, 2024 | 04:16pm

As a long-time Santa Barbara resident and current member of the SBCC Foundation Board of Directors, I am enthusiastically voting yes for Measure P on the November ballot.

Measure P will allow Santa Barbara City College to repair and upgrade aging college facilities — classrooms, labs and job training facilities that were built over 60 years ago.

And it will do so by simply extending the current bond tax rate previously approved by voters. It will also help qualify SBCC for state matching funds that would otherwise go to improve schools and colleges in other communities.

For more than a century, SBCC has provided affordable college education and career training to local students. SBCC plays a crucial role in training essential workers who serve Santa Barbara every day — nurses, public safety professionals, healthcare providers, first responders, and skilled tradespeople. Nearly half of local high school students enroll in courses at SBCC.

For more information, visit

By investing in SBCC, we are investing in the future of our community’s health, safety and well-being. Please join me in voting yes on Measure P.

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