As a resident of Santa Barbara’s District 2, I wholeheartedly endorse Mike Jordan for re-election to the City Council. My support is rooted in personal experience that demonstrates Mike’s exceptional dedication to our community.

I first encountered Mike in October 2020, during the challenging early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. After reading some of his comments in local media about issues facing our unsheltered neighbors, I reached out via email. I hoped to spend some time with him talking about a project that I was working on for actively addressing the very critical issues of homelessness. Mike’s response was quick and he suggested we meet for coffee to discuss the matter further.

What I expected to be a brief meeting turned into a three-hour deep dive into community issues. I shared our work on developing Neighborhood Navigation Centers, aimed at providing food, medical and mental health care, and housing assistance to our unhoused neighbors. Mike listened intently, asked insightful questions, and committed to learning more about our plan and the underlying issues we needed to address.

This experience highlighted Mike’s outstanding qualities as a council member:

1. Accessibility: Mike responded quickly to a constituent’s email and made time for an in-depth discussion.
2. Genuine engagement: He dedicated three hours to understanding a complex community issue, showing his commitment to informed decision-making.
3. Open-mindedness: Mike approached our ideas with curiosity and a willingness to learn, rather than preconceived notions.
4. Follow-through: He didn’t just listen; he committed to further action and became an early supporter of the pilot Navigation Center initiative and has continued his active support as the Navigation Centers expanded and proved successful. He has been an avid supporter of the new FARO Day Center, providing services 5 days a week.

Beyond this personal interaction, Mike’s deep roots in our community – he lives in his grandparents’ former home – provide him with a unique, multi-generational perspective of our district’s needs. This connection to our neighborhood’s history, combined with his forward-thinking approach, makes him ideally suited to address both longstanding and emerging challenges.

Mike’s practical, collaborative approach and proven ability to navigate complex issues make him the ideal choice to continue serving District 2. By re-electing Mike Jordan, we ensure that we have: A friend to our community who is always ready to listen and a neighbor who understands our history and current needs, as well as a leader skilled at turning ideas into action, advocating and dedicating time and effort to understanding complex issues

I urge my fellow residents to vote for Mike Jordan. Let’s keep his effective, engaged leadership working for us on the City Council, addressing crucial issues like homelessness, and ensuring our voices are not just heard but thoroughly understood in City Hall.

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