Nine years ago, when our younger daughter was a sophomore at San Marcos High School, I asked (almost begged) then principal Behrens to make a school-wide policy abolishing cell phones from the classroom. Our nephew, also a sophomore then, but at Camas High School in Washington was not allowed to have his cell phone in class, so we knew a cell-phone-free high school classroom was possible. I, however, was told that it wasn’t possible at San Marcos — some teachers used the phone as a learning tool, parents would get upset if they couldn’t reach their children immediately, and I don’t remember what other excuses were given.
It’s still hard for me to believe that it’s taken this long for SBUSD to adopt a policy that prioritizes learning, focus, and a connection with the three-dimensional human beings inside the classroom over cell phone distractions.
I’m glad, but I’m also sad for the several cohorts of high school students whose learning was sabotaged, including my daughter’s.