There has been a surge of unauthorized outdoor food vendors, cooking over open flame in Santa Barbara and elsewhere. This has prompted a number of folks to wonder what, if any, the laws are and what, if anything, is being enforced. Briefly, all vending businesses must have a City Business Tax Certificate and, if serving consumables, must have a County Health permit as well. In no circumstance is cooking over an open flame in public allowed.

Teams of Fire, Police, and, when possible, County Health officials are responding, citing, and, occasionally, bringing criminal charges against these offending facilities. Everything that can be done to ensure compliance with the law is being done.

The vendors are nimble, well-financed, often very defiant and, in general, not from here. We are certainly not the only agency facing this issue as evidenced by my last conversation with folks in Sacramento.

Our enforcement efforts will continue to evolve, be carried out and remain persistent to ensure that we are protecting public health, safety, and the established legitimate local businesses.

We very much need everyone’s cooperation. Do not patronize these facilities. First, you are putting yourself and your loved ones at risk for food-borne illnesses and potential explosive accidents from portable compressed propane tanks. Cooking grease disposal has been witnessed into storm drains which carry the effluent to the ocean. Last, the brick-and-mortar small businesses, legal food truck operators, and grocery stores all suffer from unregulated competition, at a time when we struggle with commercial vacancies. There is no evidence of how or even if employees are being paid, no business or sales taxes being remitted, or evidence of insurance for workers or the public liability.

As we kick off our 100th anniversary of Fiesta, food will be sold to the public in outdoor but regulated and permitted booths. Don’t allow our traditional mercados to be adversely affected. These folks work very hard and support many of our local charities.

Please help by not patronizing the unauthorized food vendors. Our teams are working hard to mitigate this issue. It’s illegal, unhealthy, dangerous, and environmentally hazardous. These operations put your friends and neighbors, the small business operators, at risk of losing their livelihoods.

Thank you and Viva El Centenario!

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