If the situation weren’t so serious I’d be amused at the liberals’ agonized pouting over Biden’s awful debate performance. Pundits shrieking in excruciating pain at being so wrong about Joe — e.g. “Biden’s Disastrous Debate” — but Democratic Party stalwarts also freak out while realizing DJT kicked the President’s tush and now may win the November election outright.
I observe their weak belief in the excellent progressive policies Biden has championed, including funds for infrastructure, fighting for women’s reproductive rights, for civil rights, for a highly united NATO versus Russian aggression.
The voters behind these policy choices will still vote for Biden, even if they’re holding their noses muttering, “He’s just too old,” or even if they dwell on some lesser political division with him and the Democrats. We will still have the core voters to protect their interests in the issues. DJT and his henchmen will gut the USA and utilize it like Putin and his cronies have used Russia’s natural wealth — kleptocracy will hollow-out the state from within.
During the debate I witnessed Jake Tapper and Dana Bash throw softballs to DJT and never fact-check him, not once, even in the slightest. Not when DJT said “losing 13 Americans” in the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan on February 29, 2020, “was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country’s life.” Really?
Perhaps Bash and Tapper have some fear for their professional careers, perhaps even their lives, if DJT becomes our ruler again, uh, I mean president again in 2025? Senator Lindsey Graham told Dana Bash on June 30 that there will be retribution when Trump wins in November: “I expect there will be an investigation of Biden’s criminality at the border.” The neo-fascist Hitler-wanna-be directly threatened his chief opponent and others.
There is little doubt Joe Biden can still win, but things have got to change.
I believe World War III began globally when Putin invaded Ukraine in February 2022, and a revolution began internally on January 6, 2021, with fake electors and an organized plot, or coup, to discredit the 2020 presidential election. You could say that WWIII began inside the U.S.A. with this violent insurrection in Washington, D.C., partially a hybrid attack by Putin, and the prime instigator still walks around, above the law, and freely spouting his outrageous lies in the presidential debate.
The fake conservatives in SCOTUS attack basic democratic values embedded in the Constitution. Alito and Co. have won on abortion, guns (bump stocks decision), the environment, and women’s rights generally — the most conservative court in over 90 years. All this despite their protestations of originalism, they ignore precedent, or stare decicis, at their ideological whim. Next, they will begin to tear down the once-inviolable wall separating church and state, a core democratic value enshrined in the First Amendment.
The debate presented American liberal democracy at its worst — two aging dudes who inhabit wholly separate realms. One’s an incessant, creative bullshitter, a good “salesman” although many of his companies and projects failed miserably. The other appears a decrepit shadow of his former self, but still a thinking, reflecting, experienced politician from Delaware. We need Biden to hew to the course, take care of himself, stop worrying about the performative aspects of the job since DJT will always own that market. The media can sell it as red meat to the MAGA-heads. Now the pathetic New York Times calls for Biden to drop out, a disgusting weak-kneed bow before DJT, our new Führer-to-be.
If you want “performance,” then give the nod to the orange-haired demon who spits out lies and personal invective. If you prefer pragmatic and substantive action and carry-through, look again at Joe Biden and his many legislative successes. I had never thought of the debates as theater until I watched that Apprentice guy go through his eccentric performance art and slice-and-dice Biden with a word salad of endless lies. But remember, the fascists always try to make our jaws-drop with Big Lie techniques. DJT has mastered that in the video medium. Old Joe never had a chance.