In the event of a catastrophic engine failure, aviators employ a tactic known as “Extending the Glide.” This is a last-ditch effort to restart the engine or find a safe place to land. It may also give you precious time to say goodbye to your loved ones.
This is where I believe we are as human beings on our planet today. It was an extraordinary run for humankind, but we will soon reach the end of our glide. We cannot restart the engine and there is no place to land. All that is left is time to reflect and to say goodbye to all that we know and love.
It doesn’t matter whose fault it is. It is too late. Climate change has gained its own momentum and cannot be stopped. Independent climate scientists have long claimed that the International Panel on Climate Change, the U.S. Climate Change Assessment, and Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service were not reporting the facts as given to them by their own scientists. It is understandable why they cannot because it would cause a global economic collapse and a breakdown of social order.
What is needed now is to find the courage to accept the truth because this is so hard to understand and we have run out of time. If all of this sounds unbelievable and unimaginable to you, I beseech you to view with your loved ones the documentary Living in the Time of Dying by Australian photojournalist Michael Shaw. This documentary sadly and gently makes known to you the actual terrifying state of our planet.
I am an old man and will probably not be around when total collapse becomes reality. All I can say to my children and grandchildren is that I am sorry and will do all I can to extend the glide.