The Squeaky Wheel

Mon May 13, 2024 | 12:05pm

I have repeatedly expressed my concerns regarding the Legacy Estate Development in Los Alamos. During Supervisor Nelson’s community meeting in Los Alamos last August, he explicitly stated that he would not discuss the Legacy Development, despite its significance to the community. He also said if you have concerns or issues his best advice would be to “be a squeaky wheel,” so here I am.

I have documented several significant issues with the development, including construction site stormwater runoff, excessive dust, and persistent noise, and I have communicated these infractions to the county. Unfortunately, the responses I have received have been less than satisfactory, even with Supervisor Nelson receiving a copy of the correspondence.

As the local remedies have proven ineffective, I have escalated my concerns to the state level, engaging with the California Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board.

I urge the citizens of Santa Barbara County to proactively engage with the dounty and state regarding new housing developments. With extensive construction anticipated in the near future due to the Housing Element, it’s clear to me that ensuring safety standards and environmental protection is not a priority for our county departments or our county departments, which are not adequately staffed at present. This does not bode well for the future.

For those interested in understanding the potential impacts of developments on your neighborhood, I invite you to visit There, you can find videos of the Legacy development categorized by concern under the playlist section. It’s crucial for us to remain vigilant and informed.

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